Labels:bulletin board | chat room | hakham | sky OCR: Wrap Around Icons that move puoheq the edges will wrap around to the other edge Also if you need to merge the two icons (see fiqure the right just locate the Navigator shown pue push the lefi Get it? CAUTION This is all fueA handy except when moving icon has no other icon (except the Navigator) to hit or 10 merge with will wrap around erash into uour unsuspecting Navigator Tha will ou only hurt but cost you mega points Icon Status Click and hold UE UO icon and you'll see something like this This tells you that there are currently g icons together e pUE needed before evolves into the icon shown in the punoibyoeq (in this example qlobe) With the keuboard, run into the icon with the Navigator TeleSwap TeleSwap when YOL peeu break or when you can't resist the urge to cheat First locate the Nav ...